Super Smash Bros is awesome...Online, not so much

Not yet at least.
So Super Smash Brothers Brawl came out this weekend, and it's awesome. I played it all day yesterday (after beating Zelda Twilight Princess in 44 hours on Saturday) and finally unlocked Solid Snake, the character I wanted to play with the most. He's pretty good and powerful, has a missile launcher with missiles you can guide, he can plant mines, and throw grenades, all in all he's a great addition and pretty powerful from a distance. I find myself using Ike, Meta Knight, and Samus the most. I'm a big fan of Ike just because he's a character I never thought I'd get into and has a pretty solid move set.
But what I really want to talk about is the online mode. You have two options "With a Friend" or "With Anyone." With a friend requires that you have the persons friend code, since none of my "wii-friends" have the game yet I'll have to wait for that. I tired "With Anyone" yesterday and got it to work twice, out of 50 attempts. You select your character and stage and the game puts you into a practice lobby where you can fight a punching bag while you're waiting for other players to join, the only problem is you get a different error each time and end up getting disconnected. I'm thinking there are just too many people trying to play, causing the servers to flood. Hopefully after some time has passed this will get fixed. I can't wait to do some more online Brawling. The two matches I've done so far were pretty fun.
Labels: Commentary, Nintendo
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- Published:
- Monday, March 24, 2008
- by Ryan
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