The yearning to play Final Fantasy

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII comes out tomorrow for the PSP. It is an Action RPG prequel to the original coveted RPG Final Fantasy VII. I have always wanted to play a Final Fantasy game and have yet to do so. I purchased FFX when I bought my PS2 but played it once, grew bored, and sold back the PS2 entirely. Now that I am into RPGs of all types, especially on the PSP, I have been dying to give this classic franchise a try.
The PSP offers two FF games, I and II. I will probably start there as they are the most accessible to me. The Nintendo DS has a remake of FF III, now in 3-D, and the Game Boy Advance (GBA) has ports of FF I-VI. This is all great, and I plan to try most of those out, however it does not solve my main problem. The FF game I want to play the most, and the one that really stands out in the series, is FF VII. It is set in a futuristic sci-fi world instead of the classic fantasy world, and is one of the first games to be renowned for its cinematic quality. The PSP game Crisis Core will be a great sequel, but I still want to play a classic FF game, especially FF VII. All of the hype for Crisis Core is bringing out rumors of a remake of FF VII. This would be right down my alley. I'll take it for PSP, or even an epic PS3 version. Another great option, which they just did in japan with the original metal gear solid game in preparation for the MGS4 launch, would be to release the original FF VII on the playstation network as a PS1 classic. This way I can download the original FFVII and still get to play it on my PSP. Come Square Enix, do something awesome, again.
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- Published:
- Monday, March 24, 2008
- by Ryan
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