The Old School

Well, not that old. I recently got a Dreamcast from a friend and have waiting on buying some games for it until now. He gave me a few good ones but not some of the ones I remember playing the most. Yesterday I ordered Shenmue and Marvel vs Capcom 2. I never owned Marvel vs Capcom, but always wanted to. I would play it in the arcades but was never able to track down a console copy, until now. Shenmue is more of an action RPG that I remember playing for a while, it is one of the first games I beat that was over 6 hours long. I remember the world in that game just feeling alive and everyone you spoke to had something interesting to say, well most peopel. There were supposed to be 16 chapters to the Shenmue story, 8 years later and we only have 2. I haven't played the second one yet, which came out for XBOX, but a 3'rd has rumored and crushed about three times now.
After I ordered these games it made me crave some more retro goodness, which led me to this site: There you can play tons of classic NES games right in your browser. The controls are a little wonky with a keyboard, but it suffices. It gave me the chance to play the classic games I never got a chance to play when I was younger, like Kid Icarus, Metroid, Bionic Commando, 1942, and tons of others. Another site also has a great bunch of Flash remakes of classic games from:
Hopefully the games I ordered will ship soon, I can't wait to play them. Some more great Dreamcast games I eventually want to hunt down are Jet Grind Radio, Chu Chu Rocket, Sonic Adventure 2, and Fatal Fury. Sega's last system was one of the companies best. A lot of people don't realize that the Dreamcast came out in the same generation as the Playstation 2, XBOX, and Gamecube. The graphics for the system are pretty good compared to its rivals, and because it was first to launch there are few crossover titles and a lot of original and unique games. I wish you could still buy these games in stores, but oh well, Ebay for the win.
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- Published:
- Friday, March 28, 2008
- by Ryan
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