No More Heroes, the most Colorful/Bloody game you'll play on your Family Friendly Wii

There have been many Wii games that I have been enjoying over my time with the system, and most of the them have been Nintendo made. That is, in fact the reason as to why I wanted a Wii in the first place, I love all things Nintendo. There haven't been many strong games coming in from third parties for the Wii with the exception of Capcom giving us Zack and Wiki and RE4. Ubisoft is ready to change that with their release of No More Heroes, think of it as Kill Bill the video game.
You play as Travis Touchdown, best name ever I might add, who wields a beam katana (light saber) as he tries make his way up the ranked assassins list to become number one. Each boss battle is a ranked assassin and each is a wilder character than the last, making for some interesting cut scene banter, and fighting. The game is oozing style from all over, it has a very retro feel but manages to feel new and refreshing all the same. After each Boss fight you'll come to a high score screen just like an old school arcade game, showing you moving up the assassins ladder. It acts as a hack and slash game for the boss fights, but in between you'll be traveling around the open city, doing mindless jobs to earn money for the next fight. The in between stuff may not be as fun as the boss battles, but they are still pretty enjoyable.
The game is at its best when you get enough money for a fight, go to the location, battle through hundreds of enemies with motion control and wrestling moves (the creator is a huge wrestling fan), finally making your way to a wacky boss fight. It's definitely one of the best games I've played on Wii. It's just as bright and colorful as Super Paper Mario and is also once of the bloodiest games I've ever played (again think Kill Bill style decapitations). Every finishing move you do will leave you very satisfied and wanting more and more. I'm currently the 7th ranked assassin in Santa Destroy and should be at the top in know time at the rate I'm playing. I'd definitely pick this up if you have a Wii, it's one of the most unique games you'll ever play. Below is a video from Game Trailers showing some of the gameplay, motion controls, and bloody messes you'll be experiencing.
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- Published:
- Wednesday, April 16, 2008
- by Ryan
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